The question of inclusive language is often a source of lively debate, but it is also the subject of scientific research that highlights its effectiveness in attenuating certain stereotypes resulting from the systematic use of the neuter masculine. The question arises: where does the female audience fit into a language where the masculine genre masculine encompasses both the specific masculine and the universal generic neutral?

A movement that's been going strong for decades

First of all, what is inclusive writing? Simply put, inclusive writing is a way of writing that eliminates all forms of exclusion and discrimination. The editorial team uses a a more respectful approach to marginalized people. This term refers directly to women in the face of the masculinization of the French language. The use of inclusive language is not insignificant. Its primary aim is to make the French language more egalitarian. It encompasses everyone and conveys a global message, without targeting a single gender. The fighting for inclusiveness in the French language. This movement is changing customs and re-emphasizing the uses of the French language. In recent years, it has become clear that it is not the French language that is sexist, but its speakers. The importance of inclusive writing is in the re-feminizing wordsto include every gender and sub-genre, and to reach every person with words.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of adopting it?

Inclusive writing represents a step forward parity and gender equality. It has many advantages, especially in an ever-changing society where new genders are emerging. By recognizing all gender identities, it fosters inclusiveness, reinforcing visibility and recognition for women and non-binary people. Moreover, by using neutral terms and avoiding the generic masculine, it introduces a notion of equality into language and promotes gender equality. By raising public awareness of gender diversity, it contributes to challenge stereotypes and established standards. But we can also see that inclusive writing has its drawbacks. Firstly, it can seem complicated. According to some parliamentarians, as well as the Commission de la culture, de l'éducation, de la communication et du sport, it risks making reading and comprehension more difficult by introducing typographical conventions or unusual wording. For older people, inclusive writing can be seen as an attack on the tradition and beauty of the French languageThis can lead to cultural resistance to its adoption. Finally, it can be perceived as a political issue, generating debate and controversy, particularly as regards its adoption in official and academic circles.

Epicene writing in practice

This style of writing encourages the use of neutral terms to represent all gender identities equally. For example, it replaces the expression "droit de l'Homme", deemed discriminatory against women, with "droit humain", explicitly encompassing all genders. Inclusive writing recommends the use of words such as "membre", "titulaire", "partenaire", perceived as neutral in French. This recognition of gender diversity and the desire to go beyond gender stereotypes are fundamental elements, enabling this approach to mitigate grammatical inequalities and promote a more equitable linguistic representation of all individuals.

Using the midpoint

The appropriateness of using the midpoint can be a matter of debate. This typographic sign is designed to simultaneously represent women, men and non-binary people. It is also used to abbreviate doublets, for example by writing "nos clients-e-s" instead of "nos clients et clients". This practice aims to adopt a graphic convention to better include women within a group. However, applying the mid-point can be complex and can make reading less fluid.

In short, inclusive writing aims to eliminate exclusion and discrimination by adopting a gender-sensitive approach. Although controversial, it seeks to make the French language more egalitarian by including everyone. The use of epicene terms and the median point testifies to this desire for inclusion, despite the practical challenges. Ultimately, its aim is to facilitate communication and enable everyone to feel represented.